Suggestions for courses depending on topics of interest : Theoretical Physics

Here are some suggestions of the courses you could take based on your interest. These are merely suggestions for those who do not know which courses to consider, or a starting point to building your course list, which should reflect your own personal interests. They should be treated as such. If you have any doubts or questions, please contact the coordinators.
In order to help the students make up their mind, we suggest a few packages within the Theory Track. This is not an exhaustive list, and we recommend that students be as open and versatile in their choices as possible.
« High Energy track »
1st semester:
General relativity
Lie groups, Lie algebras and representations
Statistical field theory and applications
(Interested in numerical aspects): Algorithms and computation or Methods for data-driven
2nd semester:
There are two natural sets of combinations as follows:
Formal flavor
Quantum field theory II
Conformal field theory
Introduction to AdS/CFT
String theory or Differential geometry and gauge theory
Particle & cosmology flavor
Quantum Field Theory II
Particles in the Dark Universe or String theory
Phenomenology of the Standard Model and Beyond
It is recommended to avoid focusing too much and mix and/or select one more statistical-physics oriented course.
« Low Energy tracks »
1st semester:
Statistical field theory and applications
Algorithms and computation or Methods for data-driven modelling
(Field theory oriented) Lie groups, Lie algebras and representations
(Condensed matter oriented): Quantum Condensed Matter Field Theory -- Condensed matter physics track
(Quantum information oriented): Quantum Information -- Quantum physics track
2nd semester:
Statistical physics flavor
Active matter and collective behaviour
Statistical Physics Concepts & Tools for Complex Systems
Statistical Physics of Disordered Systems
Machine Learning
Field Theory flavor
Statistical Physics of Disordered Systems
Conformal Field Theory
Random geometry and non-unitary quantum field theories
Topological theory in condensed matter (Condensed matter physics track)
Theoretical Condensed Matter flavor
Statistical Physics of Disordered Systems
Conformal Field Theory
Quantum Physics Out of Equilibrium (Condensed matter physics track)
Topological theory in condensed matter (Condensed matter physics track)