
Student's name | Supervisor | Title | Keywords |
AHMED Ilian | Deike L. (Princeton, USA) | Experimental cloud microphysics | Cloud chamber, nucleation of droplets, cloud microphysics (thermo/hydro), experimental internship |
BILLET Jonathan | Santiago Benavides (Madrid, Spain) | Transition to Turbulence in Planar, Wall-Bounded Shear Flows: an Overview of a One-Dimensional Model | Fluid Mechanics, Turbulence, Dynamical Systems, Pattern Formation |
Buisine Léo | Uhi Rinn Suh (Seoul, Corea) | Physics for W-algebras | quantum affine W-algebra, W-algebra, quantum Hamiltonian reduction, WZW-model, RCFT, algebra, CFT, supersymmetry, Toda field theory |
Cardinale Leonardo | Lorenzo Bianchi (Turin, Italy) | Defects in the Long-Range Ising Model | Long-range Ising model - O(N) - CFT - defects - dimensional regularization - generalized free fields - non-local theories |
Casas Madeline | Francois Boulanger (ENS, Paris) | Statistical Denoising of Galactic CO Emission with Wavelet Scattering Transform | Statistical methods, Interstellar medium, CO, Cosmic microwave background |
Cerrada Velasco Jorge | Luca de'Medici (ESPCI, Paris) | DMFT study of the effects of spin-orbit coupling in multi-orbital strongly correlated materials | DMFT, strongly correlated materials, Hund's metal, Mott transition, crystal field theory |
CHATEAU Gabin | Stefan Kuhr (Glasgow, UK) | Programmable light potentials in a fermionic quantum-gas microscope for quantum-simulation experiments. | cold atoms, light potentials, quantum-gas microscope, DMD, quantum matter simulation, atom trapping |
Cipriani Alexandre | Marco Padovani (Firenze, Italy) | Role of cosmic rays and magnetic fields on star formation | magnetohydrodynamics, synchrotron emission, ISM: magnetic fields, ISM: cosmic rays, stars: formation |
Combette Andrea | Christian Theiler (EPFL, Switzerland) | Determination of Turbulences parameters in Short Pulse Reflectometry non linear regime at the TCV tokamak | Plasma Physics, Fusion, Plasma Diagnostics, Machine Learning, Trapped Electron Mode, numerical modeling |
CORDOBA Rafael | Yifei He (ENS, Paris) | Gauge Theory Bootstrap: Pion amplitudes revisited | S-Matrix bootstrap, Standard Model, High Energy Physics, theoretical/numerical |
Debray Maurice | Albert Schliesser (N. Bohr Institue, Denmark) | Stroboscopic imaging of soft-clamped nanomechanical resonator modes | Stroboscopic imaging, optomechanics, membrane modes |
Fanton Benoît | Marin Bukov (Max Planck, Dresden, Germany) | Understanding Kibble-Zurek excitations in Kitaev honeycomb model | Condensed matter/Out of equilibrium dynamics/Quantum phase transition/Kitaev honeycomb model/Band topology/Theoretical |
FARCOT--DELFINI Charlotte | Rudolf Grimm (Innsbruck, Austria) | Optical aberrations correction with spatial light modulation | Spatial light modulator, Phase modulation, Zernike spherical aberrations, Phase/Focus diversity |
Forgeot d'Arc Damien | Michele Ducceschi(Bologne , Italy) | Around the lines of : "experimental measurements of the elastic constants of wooden soundboards" | Acoustics, vibroacoustics, elastic constants, wood |
Gérard Bryan | Andreas Reiserer (Max Planck, Munich, Germany) | Strain Densitivity of Erbium emitters in Silicon | Quantum information, Nanophotonics, Silicon waveguides, Erbium emitters, Strain, Optical transitions, Spectroscopy, Inhomogeneous broadening |
Goudot Jean | Henrik Stapelfeldt (Aarhus, Denmark) | Time-Resolved Complexation of Na+ with a Molecule in Helium Droplets | Coulomb explosion, superfluid helium droplets, velocity map imaging, pump-probe, complexation, time-resolved chemistry, femtosecond laser |
GRASLAND Rémy | Marco Barbieri(Roma, Italy) | None for now | Quantum Metrology, Classical Shadows, Quantum Tomography, Spectral correlations |
Guibert Sylvain | Nicolas Francois (Canberra, Australia) | Encounters and aggregation dynamics in wave-driven turbulence | Turbulence, aggregation process, eulerian/Lagrangian description of hydrodynamic processes |
Hsu Chieh | R Jjnglin Wills (ETH, Switzerland) | The impact of volcanic eruptions on SST (sea surface temperature) trend estimates | SST trend estimates, volcanic eruptions, climate dynamics |
KALFA Benjamin | A. Golestanian (Max Planck, Dresden) | Waves phenomenons of dissipatively-coupled noise-activated processes | stochastic dynamics, synchronization, mean-field theory, dynamical systems |
Labiausse Mélanie | M. Jalaal (Amsterdam, Netherland) | Electrophysiology of mimosa pudica | electrical signaling, plant movement, plant electrophysiology, hodgkin-huxley model, ion channels in plants |
LANG Danqi | Paddy Royall (ESPCI, Paris) | Spatial Separation of Excitations and Locally Favoured Structures in Model Glassformers (may be changed...) | glass transition; relaxation mechanism; locally favoured structures; excitations |
LEGSSYER Aymane | Pascale Jablonka (EPFL, Switzerland) | Image deconvolution of COSMOS | Deconvolution, COSMOS, SUNet, PSF, Subaru, UltraVISTA |
LUMENGO Harrys | Daan Van Eijk( Nikhef, Netherland) | Measuring atmospheric neutrino oscillation with KM3NeT ORCA detector | atmospheric neutrino oscillation mass ordering |
Marmorat Kenzo | Basile Curchod (Bristol, UK) | Simulation of an Ulrafast gas-phase time-resolved hard X-ray scattering experiment of the Wolff rearangement | "Photochemistry" "Nonadiabatic dynamic" "X-ray scattering" "X-FEL" |
Mas Jules | Marc Henneaux (ULB, Belgium) | Asymptotic symmetries of gauge theories in Hamiltonian formalism | Asymptotic symmetries, gauge theory, spatial infinity, electric magnetic duality (1st order formulation of electromagnetism) |
Menssen Jonathan | Jérôme Beugnon (CD France, Paris) | Interface dynamics of 2d Bose gases (preliminary) | BECs, 2D physics, spin mixtures, interface dynamics, NLSE, Rayleigh Taylor instability, Bogoliubov de Gennes |
Mioche Mathilde | Sander Tans ( Amsterdam, Netherland) | ClpC: a client for antibiotics? | AAA+ proteins ; ATP-dependent protease ; ClpP protease ; ClpC ; Optical tweezers; Single-molecule force spectroscopy; molecular chaperones |
MOREAU Elio | Xiangyu Cao (ENS, Paris) | Transport properties in SYK models and Dirac fast scramblers | Field Theory, Quantum Field Theory, Statistical Mechanics |
Mouilleron Titouan | N. Tsuji (U-tokyo, Japan) | Higgs and Leggett modes in the Ginzburg-Landau framework of superconductivity with Lifshitz invariant term | Superconductivity, Ginzburg-Landau theory, Lifshitz invariant term |
Moulonguet Nicolas | Marco Polini (Pisa, Italy) | Quantum battery with long range interacting spin chain | Quantum Spin models, Quantum Thermodynamic, Quantum Battery, Qutip |
Notebaert Clara | Howard Stone (Princeton, USA) | Study of a squeeze flow instability with viscoelastic polymeric hydrogels | viscoelasticity, instability, rheology, rheometer, squeeze flow, shear rate, elasticity, Maxwell model |
Peyrière Samuel | Felix Ritort (Barcelona, Spain) | Optimal Feedback Strategy for Information to Measurement Conversion | feedback, dissipation reduction, detailed-work fluctuation theorem, Monte-Carlo simulation |
RAFFI Wilfried | Detlef Lohse( Twente, Nettherland) | Hysteresis in the freeze-thaw cycle of emulsions and suspensions | solidification-front, droplets, solid-particles, hysteresis, freeze-thaw cycle |
REGIMBEAU THEOTIME | Carlo Lucibello (Bocconi, Italy) | Online dynamics for two-layer neural networks with quadratic activations | Statistical physics for machine learning, Phase retrieval, Disordered systems, Stochastic gradient descent. |
Serani Arthus | Suliana Manley (EPFL, Switzerland) | Biophysical parameters of lipid droplets origination (ce n'est pas le titre final) | Lipid droplet, Endoplasmic reticulum, Biophysics, Membrane |
Tribet Valens | Pierre Haas (Max Planck, Dresden, Germany) | Mechanical robustness of the inversion in the family Volvocaceae | Biophysics, Mechanics of elastic solid (shell of revolution theory), evolution (statistics), morphogenesis |
TRUJOLS GONZALEZ Unai | Francesca Ferlaino (Innsburck, Austria) | Implementation of an optical lattice, a fiber phase noise cancellation scheme and numerical simulations for an Erbium cold atom experiment | Cold atoms, lanthanides, optical lattice, fiber phase noise cancellation, Richards1-Wolf method to simulate the tight focusing of cylindrical gaussian vector beams |
ÜNLÜSOY Ömer | Giuseppe Policastro (ENS, Paris) | Unruh Effect in Diamond Coordinates | Unruh Effect, Massless Scalar Quantum Field, Causal Diamond, Conformal Invariance, Bogolubov coefficients |
Uzan Ethan | Martin Zwierlein (MIT, USA) | First sound damping in the imbalanced unitary Fermi gas | Ultracold atoms, BEC, fermions, hydrodynamics |
Weickmans Matthieu | Geraldine Servant (Hamburg, Germany) | Collapse of overdensities and primordial black hole formation in the early universe | Cosmology, Numerical simulation of random fields |