Internship 2023-2024

Published on September 20 2024 , modified on September 20 2024
Student's nameSupervisorTitleKeywords
AHMED IlianDeike L. (Princeton, USA)Experimental cloud microphysicsCloud chamber, nucleation of droplets, cloud microphysics (thermo/hydro), experimental internship
BILLET JonathanSantiago Benavides (Madrid, Spain)Transition to Turbulence in Planar, Wall-Bounded Shear Flows: an Overview of a One-Dimensional ModelFluid Mechanics, Turbulence, Dynamical Systems, Pattern Formation
Buisine LéoUhi Rinn Suh (Seoul, Corea)Physics for W-algebrasquantum affine W-algebra, W-algebra, quantum Hamiltonian reduction, WZW-model, RCFT, algebra, CFT, supersymmetry, Toda field theory
Cardinale LeonardoLorenzo Bianchi (Turin, Italy)Defects in the Long-Range Ising ModelLong-range Ising model - O(N) - CFT - defects - dimensional regularization - generalized free fields - non-local theories
Casas MadelineFrancois Boulanger (ENS, Paris)Statistical Denoising of Galactic CO Emission with Wavelet Scattering TransformStatistical methods, Interstellar medium, CO, Cosmic microwave background
Cerrada Velasco JorgeLuca de'Medici (ESPCI, Paris)DMFT study of the effects of spin-orbit coupling in multi-orbital strongly correlated materialsDMFT, strongly correlated materials, Hund's metal, Mott transition, crystal field theory
CHATEAU GabinStefan Kuhr (Glasgow, UK)Programmable light potentials in a fermionic quantum-gas microscope for quantum-simulation experiments. cold atoms, light potentials, quantum-gas microscope, DMD, quantum matter simulation, atom trapping
Cipriani AlexandreMarco Padovani (Firenze, Italy)Role of cosmic rays and magnetic fields on star formationmagnetohydrodynamics, synchrotron emission, ISM: magnetic fields, ISM: cosmic rays, stars: formation
Combette AndreaChristian Theiler (EPFL, Switzerland)Determination of Turbulences parameters in Short Pulse Reflectometry non linear regime at the TCV tokamak Plasma Physics, Fusion, Plasma Diagnostics, Machine Learning, Trapped Electron Mode, numerical modeling
CORDOBA RafaelYifei He (ENS, Paris)Gauge Theory Bootstrap: Pion amplitudes revisitedS-Matrix bootstrap, Standard Model, High Energy Physics,  theoretical/numerical
Debray MauriceAlbert Schliesser  (N. Bohr Institue, Denmark)Stroboscopic imaging of soft-clamped nanomechanical resonator modesStroboscopic imaging, optomechanics, membrane modes
Fanton BenoîtMarin Bukov (Max Planck, Dresden, Germany)Understanding Kibble-Zurek excitations in Kitaev honeycomb modelCondensed matter/Out of equilibrium dynamics/Quantum phase transition/Kitaev honeycomb model/Band topology/Theoretical
FARCOT--DELFINI CharlotteRudolf Grimm (Innsbruck, Austria)Optical aberrations correction with spatial light modulation Spatial light modulator, Phase modulation, Zernike spherical aberrations, Phase/Focus diversity 
Forgeot d'Arc DamienMichele Ducceschi(Bologne , Italy)Around the lines of : "experimental measurements of the elastic constants of wooden soundboards"Acoustics, vibroacoustics, elastic constants, wood
Gérard BryanAndreas Reiserer (Max Planck, Munich, Germany)Strain Densitivity of Erbium emitters in SiliconQuantum information, Nanophotonics, Silicon waveguides, Erbium emitters, Strain, Optical transitions, Spectroscopy, Inhomogeneous broadening
Goudot JeanHenrik Stapelfeldt (Aarhus, Denmark)Time-Resolved Complexation of Na+ with a Molecule in Helium DropletsCoulomb explosion, superfluid helium droplets, velocity map imaging, pump-probe, complexation, time-resolved chemistry, femtosecond laser
GRASLAND RémyMarco Barbieri(Roma, Italy)None for nowQuantum Metrology, Classical Shadows, Quantum Tomography, Spectral correlations
Guibert SylvainNicolas Francois (Canberra, Australia)Encounters and aggregation dynamics in wave-driven turbulenceTurbulence, aggregation process, eulerian/Lagrangian description of hydrodynamic processes
Hsu ChiehR  Jjnglin Wills (ETH, Switzerland)The impact of volcanic eruptions on SST (sea surface temperature) trend estimatesSST trend estimates, volcanic eruptions, climate dynamics 
KALFA BenjaminA. Golestanian (Max Planck, Dresden)Waves phenomenons of dissipatively-coupled noise-activated processesstochastic dynamics, synchronization, mean-field theory, dynamical systems
Labiausse MélanieM. Jalaal (Amsterdam, Netherland)Electrophysiology of mimosa pudicaelectrical signaling, plant movement, plant electrophysiology,  hodgkin-huxley model, ion channels in plants
LANG DanqiPaddy Royall (ESPCI, Paris)Spatial Separation of Excitations and Locally Favoured Structures in Model Glassformers (may be changed...)glass transition; relaxation mechanism; locally favoured structures; excitations
LEGSSYER AymanePascale Jablonka (EPFL, Switzerland)Image deconvolution of COSMOSDeconvolution, COSMOS, SUNet, PSF, Subaru, UltraVISTA
LUMENGO HarrysDaan Van Eijk( Nikhef, Netherland)Measuring atmospheric neutrino oscillation with KM3NeT ORCA detectoratmospheric neutrino oscillation mass ordering
Marmorat KenzoBasile Curchod (Bristol, UK)Simulation of an Ulrafast gas-phase time-resolved hard X-ray scattering experiment of the Wolff rearangement"Photochemistry" "Nonadiabatic dynamic" "X-ray scattering" "X-FEL"
Mas JulesMarc Henneaux (ULB, Belgium)Asymptotic symmetries of gauge theories in Hamiltonian formalismAsymptotic symmetries, gauge theory, spatial infinity, electric magnetic duality (1st order formulation of electromagnetism)
Menssen JonathanJérôme Beugnon (CD France, Paris)Interface dynamics of 2d Bose gases (preliminary)BECs, 2D physics, spin mixtures, interface dynamics, NLSE, Rayleigh Taylor instability, Bogoliubov de Gennes
Mioche MathildeSander Tans ( Amsterdam, Netherland)ClpC: a client for antibiotics? AAA+ proteins ; ATP-dependent protease ; ClpP protease ; ClpC ; Optical tweezers; Single-molecule force spectroscopy; molecular chaperones 
MOREAU ElioXiangyu Cao (ENS, Paris)Transport properties in SYK models and Dirac fast scramblersField Theory, Quantum Field Theory, Statistical Mechanics
Mouilleron TitouanN. Tsuji (U-tokyo, Japan)Higgs and Leggett modes in the Ginzburg-Landau framework of superconductivity with Lifshitz invariant termSuperconductivity, Ginzburg-Landau theory, Lifshitz invariant term
Moulonguet NicolasMarco Polini (Pisa, Italy)Quantum battery with long range interacting spin chain Quantum Spin models, Quantum Thermodynamic, Quantum Battery, Qutip
Notebaert ClaraHoward Stone (Princeton, USA)Study of a squeeze flow instability with viscoelastic polymeric hydrogelsviscoelasticity, instability, rheology, rheometer, squeeze flow, shear rate, elasticity, Maxwell model
Peyrière SamuelFelix Ritort (Barcelona, Spain)Optimal Feedback Strategy for Information to Measurement Conversionfeedback, dissipation reduction, detailed-work fluctuation theorem, Monte-Carlo simulation
RAFFI WilfriedDetlef Lohse( Twente, Nettherland)Hysteresis in the freeze-thaw cycle of emulsions and suspensionssolidification-front, droplets, solid-particles, hysteresis, freeze-thaw cycle
REGIMBEAU THEOTIMECarlo Lucibello (Bocconi, Italy)Online dynamics for two-layer neural networks with quadratic activationsStatistical physics for machine learning, Phase retrieval, Disordered systems, Stochastic gradient descent. 
Serani ArthusSuliana Manley (EPFL, Switzerland)Biophysical parameters of lipid droplets origination (ce n'est pas le titre final)Lipid droplet, Endoplasmic reticulum, Biophysics, Membrane
Tribet ValensPierre Haas (Max Planck, Dresden, Germany)Mechanical robustness of the inversion in the family VolvocaceaeBiophysics, Mechanics of elastic solid (shell of revolution theory), evolution (statistics), morphogenesis 
TRUJOLS GONZALEZ UnaiFrancesca Ferlaino (Innsburck, Austria)Implementation of an optical lattice, a fiber phase noise cancellation scheme and numerical simulations for an Erbium cold atom experimentCold atoms, lanthanides, optical lattice, fiber phase noise cancellation, Richards1-Wolf method to simulate the tight focusing of cylindrical gaussian vector beams
ÜNLÜSOY ÖmerGiuseppe Policastro (ENS, Paris)Unruh Effect in Diamond CoordinatesUnruh Effect, Massless Scalar Quantum Field, Causal Diamond, Conformal Invariance, Bogolubov coefficients
Uzan EthanMartin Zwierlein (MIT, USA)First sound damping in the imbalanced unitary Fermi gasUltracold atoms, BEC, fermions, hydrodynamics
Weickmans MatthieuGeraldine Servant (Hamburg, Germany)Collapse of overdensities and primordial black hole formation in the early universeCosmology, Numerical simulation of random fields