Doctoral School ED564 : «Physique en Île-de-France»

École Doctorale 564 Physique en Île-de-France is run by Paris Sciences et Lettres (PSL Research University) and co-accredited by Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC), Sorbonne Paris Cité (USPC) and Paris-Saclay (UPSaclay) universities.
Its scientific field essentially covers the physics of fundamental interactions, the quantum physics of dilute or condensed matter, statistical physics, the physics of soft or biological matter, as well as fundamental aspects of optics, acoustics and hydrodynamics.
Its scientific positioning is that of fundamental, theoretical and experimental physics, and the applications that naturally follow from this.
More than 700 doctoral students carry out their thesis work within the Physics Doctoral School in île de France, which groups together some 40 laboratories spread across Paris Centre and Paris Sud, and more than 800 thesis supervisors.