Suggestions for courses depending on topics of interest : Condensed Matter Physics

Here are some suggestions of the courses you could take based on your interest. These are merely suggestions for those who do not know which courses to consider, or a starting point to building your course list, which should reflect your own personal interests. They should be treated as such. If you have any doubts or questions, please contact the coordinators.
The condensed matter courses form a homogeneous whole, representative of the common culture of researchers in the field. A high degree of specialization in the choice of optional courses does not necessarily make sense, and it is preferable to be guided in this choice by interest and intellectual curiosity.
If we want to identify trends in the courses on offer, they can be classified according to the following breakdown (compulsory courses in bold):
1) General formalism courses: Condensed Matter Theory, Advanced Statistical Physics, Electronic Structure theory (1st semester), Topological theory in condensed matter, Quantum Physics Out of Equilibrium, Reservoir-controlled quantum materials (2nd semester)
2) Light-matter in solid state systems: Light-Matter interaction in Quantum Nanostructures (1st semester), Electrodynamics in Quantum Materials, Reservoir-controlled quantum materials, Localized spins in solids, physics of 2D Materials (2nd semester)
3) Electronic systems, correlations and transport: Electrons in solids: Fundamentals and Experiments, Electronic transport and superconductivity (1st semester), Physics of 2D materials, Ultimate quantum conductors: Novel electronic states and transport, Topological theory in condensed matter (2nd semester)
The course Quantum physics and condensed matter in advanced technology is cross-disciplinary and covers the various topics emerging in quantum technology.