
Student's name | Place | Supervisor | Keywords |
BARCKICKE Jason | Trento, Italy | Stefano Giorgini | cold atoms, statistical physics |
BELRHALI Nathan | Oxford, England | Alex Schekochihin | Wave propagation in non-uniform, anisotropic media using a beam tracing model |
BENAZOUT Bilal | ICFO, Barcelona,Spain | Antonio Acin | Defining quantum thermal baths |
BOUVEROT-DUPUIS Oscar | Switzerland, EPFL | Lenka Zdeborova | Complex systems and computer oriented |
CHAMBARD Louis | Yale, USA | NIr Navon | Ultracold Quantum Matter |
CLAVIER Noé | Innsbruck, Austria | Björn Hof | Experimental study of the phase transition between laminar and turbulent Taylor Couette flows |
DOUAUD Simon | Uppsala, Sweden | Dmytro Volin | Conformal Boostrap and Integrable systems |
DULAC Raphael | Vancouver, Canada | Gordon Semenoff | String theory, Ads/CFT |
ETEVE Martin | Boston, USA | Olga Goulko | Diagrammatic monte carlo computation |
GIROT Alexis | MPI, Dresden, Germany | Claire Donnelly | Spintronics of 3D materials |
GIULIANI Noah | Brussels, Belgium | Patrick Hendrick | Étude d'une installation de stockage d'énergie par air comprimé |
GOOSSENS Léo | Observatoire de Paris, France | Federico Mogavero | Probabilistic description of a chaotic deterministic system through Liouville equation |
HAHN LAURITZ | LPENS, Paris, France | Aleksandra Walczak | Synergetic mutual information effects in time varying systems |
ISNEL Lise | Munich, Germany | Petra Schwille | Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy in membraneless organelles |
LAO Bingxin | IPhT, Paris, France | Ruben Minasian | On fluxes, gaugings and obstructions (Swampland constraints on gauged supergravities) |
LATTIER Louis | Aalto, Finland | Mikko Möttönen | Very low temperature microwave source OR Quantum refrigerator |
ORAGEUX Rodrigue | APC, Paris Cité, France | Karim Noui et David Langlois | General Relativity |
PARCOLLET Étienne | Sherbrooke, Canada | Bertrand Reulet | Creating superconducting cavities to probe bidimensional materials (possibly in a magnetic field). |
RAYMOND Thibaud | Milan, Italy | Alessandro Tomasiello | string theory |
VACUS thomas | Cambridge, England | Éric Lauga | Viscous flow in muscle cells |