
Supervisor, place | Name | Theme |
T. Northup, Austria | Abderrahmane KASSID | Levitated Optomechanics with Nanoparticles in a Paul trap |
Michele Benzi, Italy | ALAIN BONVALET | Méthodes itératives pour résoudre Navier-Stokes incompressible discrétisé à l'aide des éléments finis |
D Holm, UK | Albert DOMBRET | A lagrangian model for 1D wave mean-flow interaction: KdV solitons coupled to Burgers current. |
V. Zwiller, Sweden | Alexis WIETZKE | Time multiplexing in single photon detectors for photon number resolution |
P. Salucci, Italy | Ambre PALOTAI | Radial Tully Fisher distribution in galaxies with redshift ~1 |
B. Semelin, Paris | Ashutosh Kumar MISHRA | Inference From 21cm Signal PDFs Using Summary Statistics and Machine Learning Techniques |
J. Xavie, USA | Come COURAU | Genome-Scale Metabolic Modeling of Pseudomas Aeruginosa |
M.M. Taylor, UK | Coraline BACQ | Entanglement entropy of scalar fields in AdS and dS space-time |
S. Dorbolo, Belgium | Cyriaque AMEREIN | Formation parameters of multilayer droplets and multilayer antibubbles |
E. Van Loon, Sweden | Fabio D'ORTOLI-GALERNEAU | Quasi Monte Carlo methods for statistical lattice models |
Nomura, Japan | Félix BARBIER--CHEBBAH | Monte Carlo simulation of Transport of Heat by phonon |
USA | Guillaume VIGOUREUX | Removing the stars and the galaxies in the Pleaides |
F Giazotto, Italy | Hannah BURGAUD | Gate control of a superconducting nanowire in the radiofrequency range | | Hector BRUNEL | 70 GHz bandwith of 3 dB squeezed EPR state and cat state |
E. Bocquillon, Germany | Hugo THOMAS | Simulation in the microwave frequency range of a quantum anomalous Hall resonator made of V-doped (Bi, Sb)2Te3 |
R. Godoy-Diana, Paris | Ianis HUIN--SESNIS | Hydrodynamics of swimming snakes |
Y. He, Paris | Jason BASQUILL | Bootstrap approach to quantum mechanics |
L. Mahadevan, USA | Johann ASNACIOS | Branching morphogenesis in a Hele Shaw cell by fracturing carbopol and Analogy with lightning |
N. Forde, Canada | Juliette SAVOYE | Towards a variable density of substrate sites for a burnt-bridge molecular motor |
J. Palacci, Austria | Lucas FLOQUET | Numerical study of colloid aggregation in an active bath |
I. Giardina, Italy | Luigi FOGLIANI | Numerical investigation of the dynamics of the Vicsesk model during a collective turn |
G. Lemarié, Singapore | Magali KOROLEV | Random graphs of continuously tuneable dimensionality as a toy-model : from regular lattices of finite dimension to infinite-dimensional small-world networks, characterization of universal properties and prospective applications in physics. |
A. Bilal, Paris | Manojna NAMUDURI | Effective gravitational action for 2D massive Majorana fermions on arbitrary genus Riemann surfaces |
D. Avitabile, Netherland | Mathéo AKSIL | Numerical investigation of neural mass models & application to TMS |
R. Fletcher, USA | Mathis DEMOUCHY | Building an erbium-lithium cold atoms experiment |
R. Style, Switzerland | Oriane DEVIGNE | Misconceptions about freezing damage |
B. Basso, Paris | Osman Erkan KALUÇ | An Integrable Journey into N=4 SYM (and a first check of AdS/CFT correspondence) |
A. Walczak & T. Mora, Paris | Pablo MATEU HOYOS | Extreme value statistics of T cell clone sizes |
V. Jahnke, Korea | Paul BALAVOINE | Features of traversable wormholes in the AdS/CFT duality |
T. Alexandru Petrescu, Paris | Philippe Andreas GIGON | Many Mode Floquet Formalism and Application to Fluxonium Lambda Gate |
C. Scalliet, UK | Raphaël URFIN | Large ecosystems with Allee effect and non-reciprocal interactions |
E. Allys, Paris | Roman SOLETSKYI | From Point to Interval Estimates of Scattering Statistics in the Component Separation Task |
E. Abreu, Switzerland | Samuel DER | Characterization of three samples of spin-ladder compounds Sr14-xCaxCu24O41 by Fourier Transform InfraRed spectroscopy. |
Shervin, Sweden | Théo MEIER | Expimerental work on LIquid Infused Surface - Measurement of flow-rate |
L. Chomaz, Germany | Thibault BOURGEOIS | Tailorable optical trap with Digital Micromirror Device for Dysprosium experiment |
Y Gambin, Australia | Thomas COPIE | Comparing experimental and simulated data for protein aggregation to improve data analysis. |
P. Schmidt, Austria | Thomas GERODOU | Magnetic trapping of a superconducting microsphere coupled to a microwave resonator : towards ground-state cooling |
A. Bancaud, Tokyo | Thomas QUÉNAN | Mechanical characterisation of collagen gel with a 3D poroelastic model |
G. Barontini, UK | Tom BERTHEAS | Controlling the interactions between a localized impurity and an ultracold atomic bath |
K. Petraki, Paris | Varvara PAROUTIADOU | Dark Matter Bound States and thermal decoupling in the Early Universe |
M Houde, Canada | Victor BOTEZ | Study of non-resonant cases in superradiance in astrophysics |
Dunkel, USA | Victor LEQUIN | Solid Body Vicsek Model |
C. Voisin, Paris | Zi-Yu YOU | The Pound-Drever-Hall Stabilization of the Fiber Fabry-Pérot Cavity |
B .Hof, Austria | Zoé HERSON | Experimental study of the effects of side walls on turbulent stripes in a channel flow |