Jerome Tignon is Professor at Sorbonne University (PRCE) and member of the LPENS research lab at Ecole Normale Superieure in Paris. Jerome Tignon was born in 1969 in France. He studied at ENS and University Pierre & Marie Curie. He obtained his PhD in 1996 and then joined the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in Berkeley for a 2 years post-doc in D.S. Chemla’s group, conducting research on ultra-fast spectroscopy of III-V semiconductors. In 1998 he joined the LPA lab at ENS where he first developed the activity on coherent and non-linear optics for investigating the dynamics of electronic excitations in semiconductor nanostructures. Starting in 2005, Jerome Tignon created the “ultra-fast THz spectroscopy group” at ENS. He then studied the dynamics of THz-quantum cascade lasers, spin excitations in semiconductors, carbon-based structures. In 2019 he organized the IRMMW-THz conference in Paris (over 1000 participants). He is the author of over 110 publications, holds 3 patents. In 2016 he was nominated director of his laboratory (LPA, until the merging into LPENS in 2019).