417, couloir 13-23 Campus Jussieu
IMPMC, Sorbonne Université, Campus Jussieu, Boite courrier 115, 4 Place Jussieu, 75005
Condensed matter
2D Materials
Sorbonne University
Physics department

Physics of 2D Materials

Resp. UE: Abhay Shukla (Sorbonne Université)

Teachers: Abhay Shukla (Sorbonne Université), Johan Biscaras (Sorbonne Université)

ECTS credits: 6

Language of instruction: English

Examination: written exam 


This course is a research oriented introduction to a rapidly expanding theme in condensed matter. We present several aspects of this contemporary field including fundamental questions, materials, techniques and applications. Six basic lessons cover the physics of graphene, 2D chalcogenides, cuprates and oxide interfaces with regard to quantum Hall and topological effects, 2D superconductivity, BKT transitions and applications. These are followed by three or four in-depth seminars on chosen topics.

Plan of the course:

1. Introduction, history and overview

2. The physics of Graphene

2. Oxide interfaces, 2D Superconductivity, 

3. BKT transitions, HiTc superconductors and devices

5. Dichalcogenides: Fundamentals and applications

6. Quantum and Spin Hall effects

Followed by three seminars on topics such as, angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy, scanning tunneling micorscopy and spectroscopy and overview of electronic structure of 2D materials.