Publié le 5 juillet 2023, modifié le1 décembre 2023
Nom de l’étudiant / titre du stage / lieu / responsable
BALOIS Thibaut, Determination of the statistical distribution of the orientation of proteins at the surface of a lipid bilayer, NTT BRL Japon /Nahoko Kasai
BERGES Alexis, Drying a complex system : colloidal particles and emulsion droplets in a volatile solvant, Harvard University - School of Engineering and Applied Science Experimental Soft Matter Group / David Weitz,
BOUSQUET Gabriel, Equable climate and continents, Earth and Planetary Science, Harvard University / Eli Tziperman and Dorian Abbot
BUCHARD David, Etude polarimétrique de radio-galaxies à grand redshift, European Southern Observatory (ESO, Germany) / C. De Breuck et J. Vernet
CAMINADE Sabine, Comparison of human auditory filters in simultaneous and forward masking, Centre for Applied Hearing Research (CAHR), DTU, Denmark / Jörg Buchholz, Olaf Strelcyk, and Torsten Dau
COLIN Rémy, Liquid Distribution in Wet Granular Media, Max Planck Institut für Dynamik und Selbstorganisation / Martin Brinkmann
COUVREUR Stéphanie, Time reversal acoustics in a two dimensional granular material, North Carolina State University / Karen Daniels
DAVID Martin, Modeling of the interactions between fast particles and Alfvén waves in tokamaks, UKAEA de Culham (Oxfordshire, UK) / Simon Pinches
DEIKE Luc, Water wave modeling : importance of the capillary effects on breaking waves, NIWA Wellington Nouvelle Zélande / Stéphane Popinet
DESBUQUOIS Rémi, Electromagnetically Induced Transparency in a Quantum Dot, Quantum Photonics Group - Institut for Quantum Electronics - ETH Zürich, Switzerland / Atac Imamoglu
ERRARD Josquin, POLARBeaR telescope Characterization of the POLARization of the Background Radiation Reflection on experimental precision and design, UC Berkeley / Adrian T.Lee
FORTIN Morgane, REFROIDISSEMENT DES ETOILES A NEUTRONS COOLING OF NEUTRON STARS, Groupe de physique théorique, Institut de Physique Nucléaire, Université Paris-Sud, Orsay / Jérôme MARGUERON
FREUNDLICH Jonathan, COLD FLOWS IN THE MARENOSTRUM SIMULATION, Racah Institute of Physics (Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel) / Avishai Dekel
GARNIER Nicolas, identification des propriétés de sols par extraction des fonction de Green empiriques, EDF R&D Clamart / Irmela Zentner, Emile Luzzato
HANNEZO Edouard, Probing collective cell dynamics using Fourier analysis and drugs, Harvard, Experimental Soft Condensed Matter Group / D. Weitz
JACQUET Emmanuel, Dynamics of the first solids in the solar nebula, Department of Astrophysical Sciences de l’Université de Princeton / James M. Stone
JAMIN Timothée, Etude expérimentale des coefficients de diffusion moléculaire dans la convection atmosphérique, Lille / Pierre-Antoine Bois (LML) et Denis Petitprez (PC2A)
JOLIBOIS Emmanuel, Quantum field theory on curved spacetime, Institut de Physique Théorique de C.E.A / Jacques Bros,, Univeristé d’Insubria, Come, Italie / Ugo Moschella
KENDE Mathias, Etude prospective pour la découverte du boson de Higgs dans le détecteur CMS au LHC, Laboratoire Leprince-Ringuet / Yves Sirois et Colin Bernet
LACASA Fabien, Horizon and power spectra in cosmology, Mount Stromlo Observatory, Research, School of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Australian National University / Charles Lineweaver
LANGLOIS Benjamin, Elaboration d’un dispositif d’asservissemnt permettant de réduire la largeur spectrale d’une diode laser, Physics Center for Ultracold Atoms and Research Laboratory of Electronics au MIT / Vladan Vuletic
LISTOWSKI Constantinos, Search for variability in ultra-cool dwarfs Spectroscopic investigation for correlated variability, Max Planck Institut für Astronomie (MPIA) / Bertrand Goldman
LOMBARD LATUNE Camille, Entanglement evolution of a two qubits system, Instituto de Fisica, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro / Luiz Davidavich
MERLET Cécile, A Model of the Uranian Atmosphere from Infrared Spitzer Observations, Jet Propulsion Laboratory / Glenn Orton
MIQUEL Benjamin, Observation of time-bin entangled photons using high-speed detectors, NTT BRL Japon / Hiroki Takesue
PANIER Thomas, Supported Lipid Bilayers from Giant Unilamellar Vesicles, NTT BRL, Japan / Koji Sumitomo