Internships 2006-2007
Baker, Antoine
Balmès, Irène
Battara, Lorenzo
Blanc Baptiste
Bocquillon Erwann
Bonneau, Marie
Borot, Gaëtan
Boyer, François
Cochet, Claire
Couderc, Elsa
Deforet, Maxime
Ding, Fangyuan
Gerschenfeld, Antoine
Godfroy, Quentin
Goussebaille, Arnaud
Halle, Anaele
Laffont, Sophie
Leconte, Jérémy
Morlot, Sandrine
Nadal, Céline
Nguyen Hoi Son
Pillet, Jean-Damien
Rolland, Joran
Santolini, Marc
Was, Michal
Zhou, Xingxing
Modèles de matrices et surfaces aléatoires
Influence of magnetic fields on the collapse of a cloud of gas
Modèles discrets pour SLE : propriétés fractales et invariance conforme
Stable Salinity in Sea Ice
Single photon source on a breadboard
Set up of a high-power tapered semiconductor amplifier
system for near infrared light
Extra dimensions in field theory
Surfactant self-assembly in ionic liquids
Production and detection of a Bose Einstein condensate of metastable helium atoms
Coherent ρ photoproduction at extra high energies
Piégeage de paramécies
Reducing the phot obleaching effect by IOFF
Phase transitions on random graphs
Marangoni convection in a silicon oil bridge. Initial study of tetradecane aqueous emulsions
Geocontainer Revetment For Coastal Protection
Around MOND
Using micropatterned immobilization of DNA to study mitotic spindle assembly
Lyot Project survey statistical analysis : Information from Non-Detection
Single Molecule study of ClpX
Non gaussian quantum states in atomic ensembles
Spectrocopie intrabande de boîtes quantiques par Hole- Burning
Implementation of a rotating two-dimensional optical lattice for cold atoms
Etude numérique des instabilités d’écoulements à surface libre sur un fond incliné et perturbé, à l’aide du modèle de Saint Venant.
Estimating cosmological parameters through cross correlation of galaxy surveys and cosmic microwave background fluctuation
X- PIPELINE Search for Gravitational Waves Associated with GRBs
Towards Electron Spin Resonance in Self-Assembled Quantum Dots
CEA Saclay, SPT / Bertrand Eynard
Princeton University / James Stone
LPT ENS / Michel Bauer
University of Otago / P. Langhorne
Institute for Quantum Computing
University of Waterloo, Canada / Raymond Laflamme
Université d’Innsbrück / Hanns-Cristoph Nägerl
Max Planck Institut für Gravitationsphysik, Potsdam, Germany/ Hermann Nicolai
School of chemistry, University of Sydney / Greg Warr
Laser Centre, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam / Wim Vassen
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory / Spencer Klein
IRPHE, Marseille / Emmanuel Villermaux
Biological Engineering and Mechanical Engineering Department, MIT / Matthew Lang
Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Stanford University / Andrea Montanari
Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied
Chemistry, University of Toronto, Ont., Canada / M. Kawaji
Water Research Laboratory of UNSW in Australia / W. Peirson, J. Carley and I. Coghlan
University of St-Andrews, Scotland / HongSheng Zhao
European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Heidelberg / François Nédélec
Department of Astrophysics, American Museum of Natural History, New York / Rémi Soummer
Technische Universität München / Matthias Rief, Christof Gebhardt
Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (IQOQI) Innsbruck / Klemens Hammerer
LPA ENS / Guillaume Cassabois
Clarendon Laboratory, Oxford University / Christopher Foot
IMFT Toulouse / Dominique Astruc
Dept of astrophysical sciences, Princeton / David Spergel
California Institute of Technology / Alan Weinstein, Patrick Sutton
Quantum Photonics Group, Swiss Federal Intitute of Technology Zürich / Atac IMAMOGLU