• 39 résultats

The main goal of the course is to study the light-matter interaction at the fundamental level where one two-level system interacts with a single mode of the electromagnetic field. 

The lecture will first present the fundamental concept of cavity quantum electrodynamics (JaynesCummings model, resonant and dispersive interaction, Schrödinger cat states of light) and then moves to the more recent developments of circuit QED. 

Suggestions for courses depending on topics of interest : Condensed Matter Physics

Here are some suggestions of the courses you could take based on your interest. These are merely suggestions for those who do not know which courses to consider, or a starting point to building your course list, which should reflect your own personal interests. They should be treated as such. If you have any doubts or questions, please contact the coordinators.


Master ICFP

The ICFP  Master is a top-level program designed specifically for the best French and international students.

By choosing the École normale supérieure (ENS), students are assured of benefiting from the prestigious teaching that has made the ENS's reputation since its creation in 1794.