M1 Quantum Engineering

The first year is organized as follows:
- Semester 1 : Lectures and Practicum Courses (30 ECTS).
- Semester 2 : Internship in France or abroad (30 ECTS).
Note: All courses are mandatory.
Fundamentals of quantum systems - 9 ECTS
- Quantum Optics
- Quantum Mechanics
- Quantum Communications
Mathematical methods for quantum engineering I - 2 ECTS
Introduction to quantum computing - 2 ECTS
Case studies: Support hardware for quantum technologies - 3 ECTS
- Hardware for photons (Photonic devices and systems)
- Hardware for electrons (Electronic devices and systems)
- Hardware for atoms (Atomic devices and systems)
Quantum matter - 6 ECTS
- Quantum theory of materials
- Atomic physics
Quantum lab and programming works - 7 ECTS
Innovation and entrepreneurship in quantum technologies - 1 ECTS
The choice of internship is made during the first semester. It may perfomed in France or abroad. The work is assessed on the basis of a report submitted by mid-june, an oral presentation and the recommendations from and external reviewer and the internship supervisor.
The internships will be defended end of June, beginning of July.
The internship agreement is compulsory and must be signed by all parties before the start of the internship. It must be obtained from your enrolment university (i.e. the institution where you paid your tuition fees).
Students registered administratively at the ENS/PSL Paris :
All documents (internship agreements, amendment) can be requested at the ENS to Mame Diallo (mame.diallo@phys.ens.fr)
Internship offers to consult: ici
Submit an internship offer: ici
Apply here