Library based project
Students performing a library-based project are expected to study a series of original research articles around a common subject, under the supervision of a senior researcher.
A substantial amount of time should be devoted to the project, around half a day per week during the first term.
At the end of the project a report of at most 25 pages will be written by the student, summarizing in a pedagogical way the content of the articles studied. The introductory part of the report should be accessible to a non-specialist of the field. An oral defence will also take place.
The project can be articulated with the second semester internship, in order to provide a preparation to the research work of the internship, in agreement with the supervisors of the project and internship.
One of the objectives of the library-based projects is to acquire some familiarity with the research litterature, it is therefore important to study directly the original research papers and not only the textbook presentations of these results. It has also a pedagogical training component, since both the written and oral presentations of the project should contain a substantial part understandable by other students of the first year of the Master.