Electrodynamics in Quantum Materials
The main goal of this course is to provide an advanced view of the optical response of quantum materials.
We will start from the notions acquired in the mandatory condensed matter theory course of the first semester and develop the modelling of the electronic excitation spectrum within a strongly correlations framework.
We will then provide a unified method to determine the optical conductivity and Raman responses.
The main topics we will cover in this course are :
- Linear-response theory - Kubo formulae - fluctuation-dissipation theorem
- Causality and Kramers-Kronig relations
- Interaction of light and crystalline matter
- Optical conductivity and Raman spectroscopy
- Optical sum rules
- Drude and extended-Drude model, Fermi liquid and scattering rates
- Optical conductivity of high-Tc superconductors and "strange" metals
- Spectroscopy of phonons and electron-phonon coupling
- Optical response of superconductive and charge-density waves systems
Oral exam (50%) and projects (50%)