The Experimental Internship : a month at the end of the undergraduate programme
This one-month experimental internship is a requirement towards the ENS Diploma. It takes place at the end of the undergraduate programme during the summer, between early July and mid-September. The host institution can be a laboratory of a public research organization or a large company.
The internship is evaluated on the basis of a written report which must be submitted at the end of the internship, as well as an oral presentation in the month of September. The assessment will take into account the work performed throughout the internship, as well as the quality of the written report and the oral presentation.
The host laboratory can be situated anywhere in France. The limited duration of the internship can make adapting to the scientific and cultural environment in a foreign country difficult. Summer internships abroad are therefore discouraged. The extended internship that will take place during the second semester of next year is ideally suited for such a stay outside of France.
All ENS documents (Internship agreement, amendment) can be found here
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