The goal of this course is to introduce the main concepts and challenges of quantum computing, a new set of technologies and techniques that promise to solve hard computational problems.


a quantum circuit

This course is an introduction to Conformal Field Theory (CFT), in the context of two-dimensional (and quantum 1d) critical phenomena. 

Dans le cadre de ce cours, nous allons étudier les interactions fondamentales de la physique des particules, décrites par le modèle standard, avec comme prérequis l’électromagnétisme élémentaire et la mécanique quantique.

This is the follow-up couse to the quantum field theory class of the first semester. Topics we will cover include non-abelian gauge symmetry, spontaneous symmetry breaking, and the Higgs mechanism, all needed to understand the inner workings of the Standard Model, which we shall discuss in some detail.

This course is an introduction to geometrical critical phenomena and their description by means of algebraic, probabilistic and quantum field theoretical techniques